Captive Insurance, Simplified.
It often starts with a simple question.
What is captive insurance and how does it benefit my business?
Share the risk. Earn the reward.
Group captives aren’t new. They are a tried and true concept that allows middle-market companies to achieve the type of risk and insurance benefits typically only enjoyed by the Fortune 200. Most Captive groups are designed to give control back to organizations left powerless by traditional insurance methods.
By combining financial resources (premium) and risk with other like-minded, safety-conscious companies, you create a risk pool that outperforms the standard market insurance carriers. You are no-longer subsidizing the poor performance of business owners that just don’t care. You also remove your business from market driven rate hikes and coverage restrictions. Your premiums are based on your losses, that’s it.
We have all felt the sting of a faceless adjuster settling a claim without our input. Or, treating a long-term employee poorly after an injury with slow (or no) response while trying to get back to work. Captives can provide the scale necessary to obtain dedicated claims adjusters, more input, and choice of counsel not possible with a traditional program
The Captives investment income earned also inures to the benefit of the owners and can be substantial over the long-term.
So what happens when all this comes together to produce the intended result? Profits are returned to the member-owners.

“When I studied the pros and cons of joining in the formation of Sharefield, the thought that carried the action to join was that we would become more engaged in creating a safer working environment for our employees. We wanted to be in a position to gain from that effort and a Captive is the right vehicle to that end. Our efforts have been rewarded.”
Makers. Bakers. Brewers. Doers. We support them all.
If you’re going to form a group captive, it’s important to form it with like-minded businesses that seek to benefit from the common good. Sharefield welcomes “best in class” partners from the manufacturing, agriculture, printing, wholesale, food service, retail and professional services industries — all of which have a desire to collaborate to provide better outcomes for their people and the public they serve.
Long-term control over insurance pricing
Potential for reduced costs and return of unused premium and investment income
Minimum and maximum known costs in advance
Responsive and agile service providers
Enhanced loss control, risk management, and claim services
Buying power and broadened distribution of risk
Dialogue and shared “best practices” with peers in their industry
A culture and program that is uniquely member-focued

We’ve helped others save dough.
At Sharefield, our members make the difference. See how we collaborated to help lower annual insurance costs.